Hop & Jaunt | Blog
We are an award-winning, independent creative agency based in New Orleans that thinks globally and acts locally. We build brands and companies alongside our clients, pushing creative boundary to turn ideas into reality.
advertising agency, new orleans design agency, design agency, branding, marketing, logo, webdesign, websites, logo design, brand, advertising, campaign, video production, animation, commercial, new orleans advertising agency, new orleans web design, new orleans agency, creative agency, new orleans creative agency


All Roads Lead to Your Website!

As it stands, you finally invested into developing a website you are proud to call your own and it is GREAT. The website looks slick, it meets all your business needs and you are primed and ready to bring your business into the information age...

How A Good Website Can Help Achieve Your Business Goals

A small business faces many challenges on a day-in-day-out basis which tests its ability to remain viable. Retaining talent in the workforce, ensuring your work process results every time in a consistent, quality end product, fending off competition from rival companies; at times, it may...

WebSummit In Lisbon

Lisbon & WebSummit

"There is no longer such a thing as a ‘tech’ industry – just industries that have been affected by tech. Just as the first industrial revolution 250 years ago left an indelible mark on the lives of the people who lived through it, tech is...